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Week of 1 Jul 23

Data cover the period of 1 Jul 23 - 7 Jul 23. For more information about how ACLED collects data and categorizes events, see the ACLED Codebook.

Political Violence Events: 47

+34% from previous week

Demonstration Events: 0

0% from previous week

Event Types:

Battles: 30 Events

Explosions/Remote Violence: 15 Events

Violence Against Civilians: 2 Events

Mob Violence: 0 Events

Protests: 0 Events

Violent Demonstrations: 0 Events

The escalating conflict with al-Shabaab made 2022 one of the deadliest years on record in Somalia. Find all Somalia data and resources below, including regular monthly updates as part of ACLED’s special Horn of Africa analysis series.

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