Curated Data

ACLED is an event-based data project designed for disaggregated conflict analysis and crisis mapping. Data are updated weekly and can be downloaded using the Data Export Tool. For those interested in accessing all ACLED data for a particular region or topic, regional and curated data files can be downloaded below. Please note that years of coverage vary across countries and regions. A full list of country and time period coverage is available here.

Regional Data

Violence Targeting Local Officials

This file contains events classified as violence targeting local government officials with the ‘local administrators’ tag, where 1) violence is used against local officials or administrators; or 2) property owned by (or symbolic of) local government administration is targeted or destroyed. Local officials are understood as administrators who are part of subnational government institutions, from the first-level administration division down to cities, towns, and villages. Examples of local officials are: elected or appointed officials or representatives from subnational state institutions (including former); civil servants, election officials and poll workers, local justice officials, and other local authorities; and relatives of local officials or representatives. The tag also applies to attacks that target property linked to government functions or owned by local officials, including local government buildings, courts, local election centers, and/or adjacent public or private property.

For more information, read the introductory report from our special project tracking violence targeting local officials and this methodology note on the ‘local administrators’ tag.

Please note differences in time period coverage per country and region. A full list of country-year coverage is available here.

Direct COVID-19 Disorder Events

This data file contains disorder events that are directly related to the coronavirus pandemic. It includes events such as violence targeting healthcare workers responding to the coronavirus,  mob attacks on individuals due to fears of their alleged links to the coronavirus (e.g. Muslims in India; foreigners in Africa; etc.), demonstrations against governance decisions made in response to the coronavirus, and more.

It is important to note that this data file does not capture events that may be indirectly related to the coronavirus. For more information about ACLED’s coding of coronavirus-related events and how to use the data (and not use the data), see this methodology brief.

For analysis of both the pandemic’s direct and indirect impacts on global disorder, check our COVID-19 Disorder Tracker.

Anti-Civilian Violence

All civilian targeting events, including remote violence, violence against unarmed protesters, and violence perpetrated by mobs and rioters are included in the data file below (i.e. in addition to violence against civilians events, this file captures explosions/remote violence events, protest events, and riot events in which civilians were targeted). While the data in this file cover all events in which civilians were the direct or only target of violence, cases in which civilians were collateral damage are not included here.

Please note differences in time period coverage per country and region. A full list of country-year coverage is available here.

Political Violence Targeting Women & Demonstrations Featuring Women

All violence targeting women, as well as demonstrations featuring women, are included in the data file below. The data in this file cover all events in which women were specifically targeted by political violence, not all events involving women in any way; the file also covers all demonstration events in which women were specifically featured, not all demonstrations involving women. For more about these data and how to use them (and not use them), see these FAQs.

Please note differences in time period coverage per country and region. A full list of country-year coverage is available here.

Disorder Involving Health Workers

This file contains all data on political violence targeting health workers and demonstrations involving health workers. For more about these data and how to use them (and not use them), see these FAQs.

Please note differences in time period coverage per country and region. A full list of country-year coverage is available here.

Disorder Involving the Media

This file contains all data on political violence and demonstrations involving journalists and media workers. For more about these data and how to use them (and not use them), see these FAQs.

Please note differences in time period coverage per country and region. A full list of country-year coverage is available here.

Disorder Involving Peacekeepers

This file contains all data on political violence and demonstration events involving actors directly affiliated with official peacekeeping missions. For more about these data and how to use them (and not use them), see these FAQs.

Please note differences in time period coverage per country and region. A full list of country-year coverage is available here.

Aggregated Data

Given the disaggregated nature of ACLED data, data can be aggregated both spatially (to the national level) and temporally (to the month or year level), among other ways. Usually when a user downloads ACLED data, each row in the data is a single event – occurring between designated actors in a specific named location on a specific day. Spatial and temporal aggregation are done in a variety of ways below for users who wish to use aggregate numbers in their analysis instead. In these files, each row in the data represents a country-year (e.g. Iraq – 2017) or a country-month-year (e.g. Somalia – January 2010), depending on the file.

Please keep in mind that years of coverage vary across countries and regions in the ACLED dataset. A full list of country-year coverage is available here. All country-years of coverage are included within these files; as such, country-years that do not show up in the files denote years of non-coverage.